Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

How to Motivate Student in Learning English using correct Learning Media

How to Motivate Student in Learning English using correct Learning Media
By: Putu Saraswati


1.1 Background of the Study
            Nowadays, the successes of the school can be seen by the result the study of the student. In fact, there is school which their students still have lower result of learning. One of its cause factors is incorrect election of learning media so that student is not motivated to learn in English. Learning process will moved smoothly if the students in the class are motivated in learning English. The incorrect election of learning media will make the students not motivated in learning English as their foreign language.
            According to Oxford Dictionary, Media is the main means of communicating with large numbers of people (1995: 727). In this case, media has important meaning to make the teacher easier to transfer their knowledge about English as the foreign language to the student. Thus, the student also can understand and use English as their foreign language easily. By using the correct media, students can easily learn English especially for each aspect; listening, speaking, reading and writing. As Educator especially teacher, we have to select the media that we will use in teaching English. We have to know the criterion and the procedure of choosing media. Then we can select the correct and useful media correctly and easily.
            The development of technology and science progressively push recondition efforts in exploiting of technological results in learning process. All teachers are expected to be able to use the media which is provided by school. Teachers at least are able to use efficient and cheap media which though modestly and simple but it is compulsion in the effort reaching the learning objective. Beside able use available media, teacher is also expected to be able to develop skill in making learning media to be used if the media not made available yet. Therefore, n this paper the writer would like to talk about how to chosen the correct learning media therefore can improve the student learning motivation in English.

1.2 Statement of the Problem
Based on the background above, the problem statement is
1. What is the definition of learning media?
2. What are the criterions in selecting the learning media?
3. What are the procedures in selecting the learning media?

1.3 Purpose of the Problem
            According to the problem above the purpose of the study is
1. To know the definition of learning media?
2. To know the criterions in selecting the learning media?
3. To know the procedures in selecting the learning media?


2.1 Definition of Learning Media
The word Media derive from Latin that is medius which literally mean “medium", or “deliverer". According to Gerlach and of Ely (1971), media if comprehended marginally human being, occurrences or items developing the condition of making student can get knowledge, attitude or skill. According to AECT (Association of Education and Communication Technology) (Arsyad, 1997:3) media is used to submit message/information. Fleming (1987: 234) expressing the function of media to arrange effective relation between two side that is lesson content and student. Hainich and kith (1982) tells media in the term as medium accompanying information among receiver and source. Therefore, media is everything able to be used to channel message of consignor to receiver. Its can stimulate mind, feeling, student enthusiasm and attention so can realizing the learning objective in the learning process. 

A. Learning Media
 Learning media is media bringing information or messages with aim to instructional or contains instruction intentions. According to Gagne and of Briggs (1975) study media cover appliance which physically used to submit instruction items content which consist of book, tape recorder, cassette, video camera, video tape recorder, film, slid (picture), photo, picture, graph, television and computer.
Learning media is one of learning system component. It has to totally appropriate with the learning process. The last part of choosing media is the use of it in learning process, so enable the student to interact with the media which we select. If we have determined the alternative media that we use in its process, then we need to find out whether the media is available at school or in the market. If it’s available, then we can borrow or just buy it. But if it’s really appropriate with our teaching objective and reached for its price. If the media that we require is not available yet, we have to make by ourselves the media according to the need.
One of the aspects determining the success in learning process is election of the correct learning media. According to Hamalik (1986), correct learning media can awaken motivation, desire of enthusiasm, and excitement student. So that can assist understanding, presenting the data attractively and trustworthy, facilitating interpretation data, and compacting information. The correct learning media can bring efficacy learn and teach in class, according to Levie and Lentz (1982), that because study media especially visual media have four function that is:
a. Atency function is can draw and instruct attention of student for have concentration to lesson content related to visual meaning which presented or accompany items text and lesson
b. Affective function is can inspire student attitude and emotion
c. Cognitive function is comprehend and remember information/message which implied in picture easily
d. Compensations function is can accommodate tardy and weak student’s to accept and comprehend presented lesson content with text or verbal.

            The reasons why study media can heighten learning process of the student is:
a. First reason is reference to the benefit of the learning media itself, for example
1. The leaning process is more interesting for student, so grow learning motivation of the student.
2. The learning materials is clearer for its meaning, so the student can master the learning objective better.
3. The learning method will have more variety.
4. Student doing more learning activity likes perceiving, conducting, demonstrating and others
b. Second reason is as according to level thinking of student. Start from real to abstraction one, start from simple to complex one.
            According to Seels & Richey (in Arsyad, 2010: 29), there are our types of learning Media.
1. Printing & Visual Media. It is media which is submitting the learning material through printing process. For example text, graphic, photo, etc. This media is a basic element to develop and use other learning media. 
2. Audio-Visual Media. It is media which is submitting the learning material using mechanic and electronic machines to presenting audio-visual message. For example Film projector machines, tape recorder, and wide visual projector.
3. Computer Media. It is media which is submitting the learning material using sources based on micro-processor or computer (software or hardware).
4. Combination Media. It is media which is submitting the learning material using the combination or several media that controlled by computer.

2.2 Criterion in Selecting Learning Media
The selection of media should not be done promiscuously. It depends on certain criterion. Mistaken at the time of election in choosing type of media and topic election of media, will give bad effect which we do not wish later. According to wordpress.com, generally, the criterions which must be considered in election of learning media have to base on:
a. Teaching objective,
b. Educated target,
c. Characteristic of the media,
d. Time,
e. Expense,
f. Availability of media,
g. Condition and strategy of how the media used, and also
h. Quality technical from the media.
By considering the criteria we expected the selected media will be able to be used to motivate the student.

2.3 Procedure in Selecting Learning Media
In course of this election, Anderson (1976) said that procedure of choosing media use the flowchart approach (groove diagram). In this course, he mentions some steps in election and determination type of learning media.
1. Determining whether the message we submit through media include of learning message or just common information or entertainment amusement. If it just general information will be disregarded because the procedure which is developed special for the election of media that having the character for study.
2. Determining whether the media is designed for the learning process or just assistive appliance teach for the teacher (physic appliance).  If it is simply physic appliance, process is also discontinued.
3. Determining whether target of the study more having the character of affective or psychomotor.
4. Determining appropriate type of media for the type of target to be reached, by considering other criterion like policy, available facility, ability produce and expense.
5.  Reviewing back the type of media which have been selected, whether have correctly or still there are weakness, or still more other.
6. Planning, developing and producing media.

            The important consideration in choosing media is the appropriate of media with study that will be reached by student. If there are some type of media which have equal goodness and appropriate, so our priority is selects the cheaper type and more practical media which have been made available around us. The media election is needed to do so we can determine the best, correct and appropriate media with the requirement and educated target condition. Therefore, election type of media must be done with correct procedure, because so many type of media with various excess and weakness of each.


Based on the discussion above, the writer can conclude the learning media is media bringing information or messages with aim to instructional or contains instruction intentions. The criterion which must be considered in election of learning media have to based on teaching objective, educated target, characteristic of the media, time, expense, availability of media, condition and strategy of how the media used, and also quality technical from the media. The election type of media must be done with correct procedure, because so many type of media with various excess and weakness of each.


* Arsyad, Azhar Prof. Dr. M.A. 2010. Media Pembelajaran. Jakarta: PT RajaGrafindo Persada
* http://cepkamal.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/pemilihan-media-pembelajaran/
* http://ekookdamezs.blogspot.com/2011/02/makalah-media-pembelajaran.html

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011



1. As the guest enters the restaurant
AM/GRO :” Good morning/afternoon/evening, madam/sir?”
Guest        :” Morning/afternoon/evening”
2. Greeting repeat customers
AM/GRO : “ How nice to see you again, Mr. Jones”
Guest        : You too”
3. Before seating the guest
AM/GRO: “ Do you have a reservation, madam/sir?”
Guest         :”No, we’d like a table for 4 people, please”
4. After checking reservation book
AM/GRO:” Do you prefer the smoking or non-smoking section, madam/sir?
Guest       : “ smoking”
5. Escorting guest to the bar
AM/GRO :” Would you please seat at the bar and having pre-dinner drink while we prepare your table”
6. Receiving reserves tables
AM/GRO :” Do you have a reservation this evening, madam/sir?”
Guest        :” yes, it’s booked under Jones”
AM/GRO :” That’s right, non-smoking table for 6 person. Would you like to have pre-dinner drink at the bar before going to your table?”
Guest       :” Yes, please”
AM/GRO :” Would you like to follow me, please. Is this table alright for you?”

7. Escorting guest
AM/GRO :” Mr/Mrs. … Your table is ready. Would you liketo come this way please? How is this table? Is this alright fou you?”
Guest        :” Thank you”
8. Table for 15 pax walk in
Guest        :” I wanna a table for 15 people, Please. Smoking”
9. We can accommodate the group
AM/TL :” Would you please wait a minute in the bar area and we’ll organize it for your right away.
Guest    :”Ok”
10. We cannot accommodate the group due to lack of seating
AM/TL :” It could be a 10 – 15 minutes wait, would you like to have a drink in the bar and we’ll let you know as soon as a table becomes available”
Guest   :” sure”
11. Table for 15 pax non-smoking table
Guest :” I wanna a table for 15 people, please, non-smoking areas”
AM/TL :” I am sorry, but, the larger table that we have in our non-smoking area is for 12 people. Would you mind sitting in the smoking area?”
Guest :” No problem”
12. Table Greeting
AM/TL :” Would you please wait a minute in the bar area and we’ll se it up for you”
Guest :” Thank you”
AM/TL :” Thank you. I’ll let you know when you table is ready”
13. Children’s set up
TL/COT :” Would you like to remove the cutlery or is your son / daughter going to be alright with them?”
Guest      :” It’s very kind of you”
TL/COT :” If you like something especially prepared for your son/ daughter, please let me know”
Guest     :”sure”
TL/COT :” Would you like to order the children’s meal now or wait till I come back for your food order?”
Guest      : may be later”
14. Handling out the menu
TL/COT :” This is your food menu madam/sir. Our menu is designed for a 5/3 courses testing menu which is allow you to experience more than just a few dishes. Our chef already makes it in well balance which is will not to much portion for you because will be served in a sample portion.”
TL/COT :” This is our wine list with many selection, all wines keep in the proper cellar. The price is very reasonable comparing with other restaurant”
TL/COT :” and … this is our beverages menu, may kinds of cocktail, aperitifs and cigar are available. Would you like to have some aperitif while you have look the menu, madam/sir?”
15. Returning for the beverage order
TL/COT :” Are you ready to order your drinks?
16. Making recommendations
Guest :” So what you  recommended?”
TL/COT:” The most popular one is cosmopolitan. This is a sweet cocktail which consist of Smirnoff vodka, cointreau, cranberry juice, lime fresh juice”.
Would you like madam/sir?”
19. Daily/weekly special introduction
Tl/COT :” Our specials are mentioned on the table card on the table which are possible for one of your courses. Our soup is sweet potato and pumpkin agnolotti. Our weekly special is beef sate”
20. Serving out the drink order
TL/COT :” Here your cosmopolitan madam/sir”
21. Taking the food order
TL/COT :” Are you ready to order your food, madam/sir?”
Guest      :” So what’s good?”
TL/COT :” For your first appetizer I would like to suggest coconut king prawn  wonton which is very good.
TL/COT :” For your second appetizer I would like to suggest crispy lobsters wonton which is also very delicious and to be one of the best seller”
TL/COT :” For the first main course, may I suggest you our slow roasted ubud duck tutu and for second main course it will going nicely with Pok belly babi guling ibu oka spices”
TL/COT :”Would you like some rice or potato puree to come with?
Guest     :” Rice, please”
22. Guest satisfaction 1
TL/COT :”How would you like us to serve your meals, can we serve it a bit slow or we can serve it anytime when it ready after your first course finish?”
Guest     :”very slow is good”
23. Wine order
TL/COT :”Your dinner will be perfect with a bottle of wine, madam/sir, We have a beautiful New Zealand Sauvignon balnc or Californian Cabernet Sauvignon. Would you like to try a bottle, madam/sir?”
TL/COT :” Would anyone care of a glass of wime?”
Guest      :” no, thank you”
24. Serving the teasers
TL/COT :” This is peanut cracker compliment from the chef”
Guest      : thank you”
25. Second drinks or wine
TL/COT :”Here is your glass of white wine, madam/sir”
26. Long waiting time for food
TL/COT :” Excuse me, I am sorry for the delay with your food. I have just checked with the kitchen and it will only be a few minutes”
Guest     :” that’s fine”
27. Serving the appetizer
TL/COT :” This is your coconut king prawn, madam/sie”
Guest      :”thnk you”
28. Up-selling drinks
TL/COT :” Would you care for another drink, madam/sir?
29. Offering fresh black paper
TL/COT :”Would you care for some freshly ground black paper, madam/sir?
30. Wishing the guest an enjoyable meal
TL/COT :” Enjoy your meal”
31. Clearing the appetizer plate
TL/COT :” May I clear up your plate?
32. Check on beverage
TL/COT :” Can I get you another drink, beer / glass of wine/water?”
33. Serving the main course
TL/COT :” This is your slow roasted ubud duck tutu, madam/sir”
34. Up-selling drink
TL/COT :” Would you care for another drink, madam/sir?
TL/COT :” Would you care for some mineral water, madam/sir?”
TL/COT :” Would you care of another bottle of wine, madam/sir?
35. Offering fresh black paper
TL/COT :” Would you care for some freshly ground black paper or salt, madam/sir?”
36. Wishing the guest an enjoyable meal
TL/COT :” Enjoy your meals”
37. Checking guest satisfaction II
TL/COT :” Is everything alright with your meals? Is there any comment about our beverages? Any suggestion for our service, madam/sir?”
38. Clearing main course
TL/COT :” May I clear up the plates for you?”
39. Handling out the dessert
TL/COT :” Here are the dessert menus. We also have a after dinner drink and cigar menu on the right page, I will be back a little while.
TL/COT :” You should try our delicious black and white fondant. It is really delicious, infused with the melted chocolate kafirlime and serve with vanilla ice cream”
40. Offering a hot drink
TL/COT :” Would you care for some coffee or tea at the same time.
41. Up-selling dessert drink
TL/COT :” Would you like a liqueur or port with your coffee?”
42. Serving the dessert/coffee
TL/COT :” This your black and white fondant, madam/sir”
43. Ask the guest an enjoyable dessert
TL/COT :” Enjoy your dessert”
44. Clearing dessert
TL/COT :” May I clear your plates for you?”
45. Up-selling drinks
TL/COT :” Would you care for another coffee, madam/sir?”
TL/COT :” Would you care for another liqueur, madam/sir?”
46. Comment card
TL/COT :” Would you mind filling out comment card, that would be very much appreciated, thank you, madam/sir?
47. Thanking and bidding farewale
TL/COT :” Thank you very much. I hope you enjoy your time with us. We hope to see you again”